Prayerline Update #1, 2011
Dear Camp Willow Run family,
Hello from Craig and Madi! We are the Co-Head Counselors for the 2011 Camp Willow Run Summer Staff and we are so excited for this opportunity to share with you about the summer. It is a blessing to have such a large group of friends connected with CWR to join alongside us in prayer for all that will happen here in the upcoming season.
On May 19th, forty-one staffers representing twenty different colleges joined at camp for staff training. The week provided valuable time for staff bonding and allowed for preparation for the summer as we participated in all the recreation activities, readied camp facilities, and studied the Word together.
Some of the highlights from the week of staff training included:
- Welcoming new staff and reuniting with old friends
- Hearing from Becky Baldwin and Bry Long, two former CWR summer staffers, during our “Blast from the Past” session
- Diving into the Word with Captain Baggett one morning and one of our camp speakers, Matt Rice, another morning
- Competing in the 9th Annual Cardboard Boat Race
- Canoeing to a “mystery location” for lunch
- Brainstorming for fun skits as well as skits with a message
- Dining with the Board of Directors
- Eating out in Roanoke Rapids for a time of fun and fellowship
- Enjoying a great time of prayer and encouragement at the outdoor chapel on our last night
This week, campers from the Department of Juvenile Justice came to CWR for a week of learning and fun (despite record-breaking temperatures!). Pastor Peter Rochelle from Raleigh, NC has presented the Gospel in a clear and exciting way by examining the book of Ephesians. It has been so awesome to see walls come down in the camper’s lives through Pastor Peter’s talks, time in the boxcars, and new experiences in the recreation areas. We trust that the Lord will continue to work in these young people’s lives as they leave camp and return to their youth development centers.
As we prepare for our first week of general public camp, please pray. Pray for energy, patience, and growth for the staff. Pray for safety around camp, especially as campers participate in recreation activities. Above all, please pray that the Lord will be at work in the lives of every kid here through the ministry at Camp Willow Run.
Thanks so much for your prayer and support! We look forward to keeping you updated.
By His grace and for His glory,
Craig & Madi