Spring Mother-Daughter Legacy Retreat, 2011
“The righteous ‘woman’ will flourish like the palm tree,
‘she’ will grow like a palm in Lebanon.
PLANTED in the house of the Lord.
‘she’ will flourish (BE PRODUCTIVE) in the courts of our God.
‘she’ will still yield fruit in old age;
‘She’ shall be full of sap and very green,
To declare that the Lord is upright; (PROSPEROUS)
He is my Rock! There is no unrighteousness in Him.”
Psalm 92: 12-15
Our study in Judges 4-5 gave us insight into the life of Deborah (‘honey bee’). We reflected on her life as a Wife, Mother, Prophetess, Judge, National Leader, Poetess, and Singer. Her relationship with God was of uppermost importance in all walks of her life. Like the “palm of Deborah”, she was totally “usable”….every part of her being was dedicated to serving God.
We are so thankful for the 160 Mothers and daughters who participated in this seventh annual spring retreat for Moms and girls in grades 1-6. All received blessings from Bible studies, P&W singing, Forester Brad, games, recreation (canoeing, archery, giant swing, high ropes, low ropes, crafts, P&W dance, the red shark, and swimming) , one-on-one devotional times, along with opportunities to spend moments to sit by the lake, on the big rock, or under a tree and just talk together! The meals served were incredible! The week-end staff was wonderful! Great is our God and greatly to be praised!
We look forward to seeing Moms and daughters (grades 6-12) at the fall retreat, October 7-9. All aboard for a great week-end get-away packed with fun! Plan to bring friends with you!
Linda Harris
Executive Director