Some of the feedback from Legacy


“cozy and fun”

“great accommodations”

“how fun to sleep in a boxcar!”

“Excellent—so clean and tidy”



“Amazing food”

“all meals awesome”

“Double excellent”

“food was good with more than enough!”

“always great!”

“loved the grill-out!”


P&W music

“What a blessing!”

“loved it!  Thank you for great P&W.”

“God gets the glory, but the team rocks!”

“They WOW-d me!”

“loved Jambo and Shoe-Bop”

“cool music”

“fun and worshipful”

“very good and clearly singing for God”

“We so appreciate the enthusiasm of the P&W team”


Session 3 Speaker/Campfire

“We loved how Mr. Brad’s story made Christ come alive!”

“”Brad’s cool”

“Very exciting and interesting.  Loved the “Sacagewen’s”

“Especially appreciated the fireside story”

“Excellent speaker!  Nature is a unifier and pacifier in the

most basic and crucial form.  The relation—grow where

you are planted.  God is so good and does plant oak trees

in the swamp.  I feel I am one of them in many ways and

I’m thankful that was celebrated here.”


P&W Dance

“Angie is incredible.  This is our second year and she is a

wonderful model of God’s love and grace.  Beautiful—what

she does every year.  Her praise (dance) at Sunday’s worship

was incredible and touched our hearts so much.”