You crossed my field and you left a mark…

Two weeks prior to the Mother Daughter Legacy Retreat I was told some troubling news…my mother had found a lump.  It’s not something that you ever want to hear that anyone has but especially not your own mother.  My daughter and I were to attend the retreat but I kept flip flopping the week before about going with no real reason why I didn’t want to go.   I knew I was emotional and really didn’t want to cry in front of a bunch of strangers and didn’t want to seem happy when I was hurting inside.  The morning of the retreat I was still not sure whether I was coming when two of my coworkers encouraged me and said you know you will receive a blessing.  At different times I was reassured that they would be praying for me.  Whose field have you crossed and did you leave a mark for Christ?

I felt like a flip flop one second the shoe is close to your foot and then the next second it has left the back for a brief moment but all along being gripped by toes so that it will not become separated.  Just like that flip flop I felt so close to God because I knew He will see my mom through it all and then I draw away from Him because I get scared about the what ifs, and then He pulls me close gripping me tightly to  remind me that He is faithful and will not let go.

Well I did finally decide at lunch time that we would attend the retreat.  Once I was there I was still very emotional; however, I realized that I wasn’t amongst strangers but with Sisters in Christ who have experienced firsthand these same trials of life.  As I was sitting in the morning Legacy session with tears streaming down my face a mother from my boxcar placed her arm around me and said “would you like to use my sleeve”.   Later I found out that she too was told that same news about her mother.  She pulled me aside and said Stacey I am going to pray for you and your mother.

The guest speaker spoke on Hosea 10:12 which says “Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap steadfast love; break up your fallow ground, for it is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and rain righteousness upon you.”  Through her teaching this weekend I saw that the Lord was breaking up some fallow ground in my life and by the end of the weekend He plowed the first row.  Obviously from where Fran was standing it was clear that I was upset at each session so at lunch she pulled me aside and said Stacey I am going to pray for you and your mother.   Whose field have you crossed and did you leave a mark for Christ?

I help with creating t-shirt designs and one of the t-shirt designs I created said “Let me be like broken ground so that I may soak up the rain of your blessing.” Little did I know that the message would later be a personal message to me.  It never ceases to amaze me how the Lord goes before us and places exactly what and who needs to cross our field in order for a mark to be made. Thank you for crossing my field and helping me and God plow the first row.  Whose field have you crossed and did you leave a mark for Christ?

Stacey Simms, Registrar